Friday 5 July 2013

How To Use Any Web Browser As A Text Editor.

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After Covering some tricks on WhatApp , I made my mind to come back on some other tricks.Today i am going to present you a amazing trick.Before starting this amazing tick i want to ask my gentle readers that Have they ever used web browser as a text editor? You may be confused and thinking that i may be going to present a online text editing application but No I am not going present a online text editor application but i am going to present just a small script by which you can use your browser as text editor and this trick can be really helpful to you , if you computer does not have any text editor or your text editor has been attacked by virus .So without wasting much time lets check this marvelous trick :-
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Follow These Steps To Convert Your Browser Into Text Editor.

Step 1 :- As Mentioned above that you can use any browser as tect editor , open any web browser , Say Google Chrome.!

Step 2 :- Type or Copy + Paste in the address bar of Your browser
 data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
Step 3 :- Now hot On Enter button or click on go button of Internet Explorer 
Now Your browser has been successfully converted into text browner 

Note However it converts your browser into text editor but it does not provide you Editing tools.! So Its just a simple text editor . But you can use keyboard shortcuts for it !

Keyboard Shortcuts :-

 Ctrl  + B  This will make your selected Text bold!

 Ctrl  + I    This will Italicize your selected text !

 Ctrl  + U   This will underline your selected text

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